Vida Engineers

What are we like?

At Vida, we combine data and technology-driven approaches with human-centered design and compassion to help people prevent, manage, and reverse chronic health conditions. Vida Engineers solve intricate, challenging problems across domains including Web, Mobile, Data, and Backend. Everything we do—from building new data pipelines to aid our recommendation engines, adding features to our member-facing mobile app, to improving provider productivity by optimizing provider dash workflow—has to take into consideration our mission of putting the human connection between members and providers first.

Mirroring our mission of curating whole health, Vida encourages engineers to bring their whole selves to the workplace. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it’s only natural to want to be part of a team that excites, supports and inspires us. We recognize this and hence build our rapport on mutual interests and empathy, and celebrate our diversity. We thought you’d enjoy learning about what parts make our whole, hence below are some statistics showcasing the wide array of interests on the team!


Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Traveling leads the interest charts for the Engineering team (we all need more of that after 2020). Cooking is a close second, with even a dedicated #foodie slack channel where the food lovers share the deliciousness. Hiking, music, and reading make a great combo (no wonder they are a tie for the 3rd most popular hobby across the team). For the voracious reader, we have a book club that meets weekly to discuss progress and share ideas. 

A fairly equal share of interest fuels each category of the hobby. A majority of our engineers delve into creative hobbies, including DIY projects, photography, and art. Intellectual hobbies like chess, reading, and trading have just as much of an interest from our team as physical activities. (We also recently participated in FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship)

If you’ve got this far, our guess is you’re curious about what we do and perhaps interested in being a part of our team. As a member of our team, you’ll be collaborating with other stakeholders to implement new features and improve the existing functionality of Vida’s platform and services. We’d love to have you be a part of our mission to actually change lives!

Haroon Iftikhar

Engineer, Mobile


Web Accessibility at Vida


Vida Engineering